Allendale, Hexham, Northumberland, NE47 9NN

Activity Days Test Calendar Embed

Explore Northumberland

Adventure Activities

The activities we offer at the Northumberland Adventure Centre are designed for groups with little or no prior experience and can be adjusted to suit children or adult groups. All activities are inspected, licenced and risk assessed adhering to standards set by the Adventurous Activities Licensing Service (AALS), Learning Outside the Classroom Quality Assessment (LotC) and Adventure Mark accredited and facilitated in line with ratios as recommended by the relevant National Governing Body, taking into consideration the nature of the group, weather and specific venue. We can provide transportation and catering for your activity day.

Ghyll scrambling & waterfall jumping

Ashgill, 25 mins from NAC
Thrill Seeker level, but opt-out per jump possible

Three girls canoeing


Sweethope Loughs or River Tyne
Beginner to advanced level possible, learn a new skill!

Raft Building

Sweethope Loughs or River Tyne
Fun for every age group - make it a race!


Deneholme Woodland
A fun way to learn a new skill and compete.

Fell Walking, Navigation

Around Allendale
From a 1 hr orienteering session to 2 day expeditions

Rock Climbing

The Great Wanneys or Peel Cragg
Beginner to advanced level possible

Night Activities

Deneholme Woodland or Fellgate track
From a wee nightwalk to our popular thriller manhunt

Mine Exploration

Tyne Bottom or Small Cleugh
A history & geology lesson combines with adventure

Tree Climbing & Abseil

Deneholme Woodland
Different heights for different abilities

Children mountain biking

Mountain Biking

Around Allendale and on the fells
Basic ability to ride a bike is important

Problem Solving & Teambuilding

Deneholme Gardens
Work on communication, leadership and planning

Bushcraft & Survival Skills

Deneholme Woodland
Learn how to survive in the wild

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